Art Analysis

 Art Analysis

Charles Paukan Sr. by Patrick Minock


   For this art analysis, I have chosen a professional oil painting displayed in the Andreafski High School library titled "Charles Paukan Sr." The St. Mary's School District is decorated with professional paintings of the elders of St. Mary's, Alaska. I chose this painting because he is my father, who passed away in August 2011.

History of the Artist: Bibliography

   The painting was done by the late Patrick Minock of Pilot Station, Alaska, in 2013. (I cannot get the exact date because I cannot take the painting down to see if there is a date on the back of the painting) He lived in Pilot Station and later moved to Anchorage in 2004. Pilot Station is the next village up from St. Mary's. He is an Alaskan native who attended the Institute of American Indian of Arts in New Mexico. His paintings are also displayed in the Alaska State Museum in Juneau and numerous other schools. He also illustrated a book by Sandra Kleven. He mainly paints the elders of our area, the Yup'ik subsistence lifestyle, and our region's land.

Art elements:

   Texture: The texture is 2-dimensional. This 2-dimensional depicts a person posing for a camera or a painter. The texture of the paint is painted on canvas, which is a rough feeling. The canvas is not smooth at all. The oil paint itself is smoother than the canvas, yet rough on the edges. 


   Color: His shirt is painted in different shades of blue, which are cool hues. The shirt has lines depicting him wearing a plaid collared shirt. His face is warmer, with different colors ranging from tan to brown. This tells me that this painting was done after the long summer months when he got a tan. The green paint outlines the person's shape, filled with a warm yellow as the main background. The warm yellow gives off the brightness of a person who is happy and solemn.

   Space: The main subject, a person, occupies the positive space, and the negative space is painted yellow as a background.

My thoughts:

   I would love a painting of my father painted by Patrick Minock. I am lucky to see paintings of all our elders at St. Mary's in our school. My maternal and paternal grandparents are included in the collection. I love answering the student's questions about who the paintings are and who they are related to, and this is a blessing to share. We have many artists in school, and I encourage them that they, too, can become professional artists, just as Pat has done. Dreams can come true! I had met Pat on many occasions, when he visited our community and when I traveled to his community. I would love to see his artwork displayed in Juneau!


Patrick Minock (2021) The Delta Discovery, Inc. Available at: (Accessed: 05 February 2024).


  1. Quyana for sharing this awesome portrait of your father. My dad used to oil paint in the early 90’s. I like how soft the portrait is, the oils blend together in a warm manner. The crisp blue shirt speaks volumes then is warmed by the green. The use of lines defines the face and hair, the eyes look as if you are looking at him directly. The use of yellow brings warmth and matches his gaze. Quyanaqpuq


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