Italian and Northern Renaissance Blog Assignment

The Arnolfini Portrait
Northern Renaissance

by Jan van Eyck


   For this visual art assignment, I have chosen a professional oil painting by Jan van Eyck, The Arnolfini Portrait. I chose this painting because my friend is pregnant with her first child, and this painting caught my attention and reminded me of her. My friend and I take portraits, and I think she and I would have a photo session similar to this painting. The presentation depicts a woman with her hand resting on her tummy as if she is pregnant. They seem to be standing in a bedroom next to a bed. She is holding a man's hand, and he has his other hand held up in the air as if he is saying some type of oath to her. They are standing in a room with a dog at their feet, which could be a family dog. His overcoat has fur trimming, which would make him somewhat royalty. They both look very serious yet at peace. I don't see emotion in their expressions, but it seems that all paintings and pictures back then rarely show emotions. 

Artist: Jan van Eyck was an artist from Maaseik, near Maastricht. His first painting was known in 1422. He worked for John of Bavaria on The Hague; John was the Ruler of Holland. He then painted for Philip, the Good, Duke of Burgundy. He was also sent to Portugal to paint for the Good.  He also painted numerous religious paintings.

Art elements:

   Texture: The texture is 2-dimensional. This 2-dimensional depicts a couple posing for a camera or a painter. The texture of the paint is painted on canvas, which is a rough feeling. It looks as though it has layers of oil paint to create realism for the couple. other textures include fur garments, smooth light fixtures, cloth, a mirror, blinds, and shams. 


   Color: He uses a wide variety of general colors. The man is dressed all in black or navy bluish with a black hat. The lady is in a blue dress with layers of green, which makes her stand out more. The colors are dark, yet the room is still filled with warmth and a sense of peace. The shadows in the room help the composition of the painting. The brass on the light figure is bright and shiny. There is a candlelit, which softens the picture.

   Space: The main subject, a couple, occupies the positive space, and the negative space is furniture in a bedroom. This is a full-length portrait of a couple. 

    Lines: The lines create a dresser, the blinds on the window, the lines on the floorboards, the outline of the bed, and the lines on his overcoat that create texture to coat. 

    Shape: The shapes depict two people. The couple is verticle, as well as the m

an's hand. For the most part, there are more vertical lines than horizontal lines. 


My thoughts:

   I'm not sure if I would own a painting like this. Maybe if I was rich I would. I do like this painting, though. It reminds me of a beautiful time in my friend's life because she shared and continues sharing the joys and struggles of her first pregnancy. The lady holding her tummy stands out very much to me, which is why I chose this painting.


    "Jan van Eyck Artist Overview and Analysis." [Internet]. 2024.
Content compiled and written by Cheryl Van Buskirk
Edited and revised, with Summary and Accomplishments added by Molly Enholm
Available from:
First published on 07 Jul 2018. Updated and modified regularly
[Accessed 19 Feb 2024]

Walker-Toye, A.S. (2016) Painting review: The Arnolfini portrait, OCA Art History 1: Western Art. Available at: (Accessed: 19 February 2024).



  1. I like the painting because like many people, I enjoy pictures of expectant mothers. It is a special time for them and their partner. Looking at the details of the picture it looks like a marriage ceremony is taking place for a few reasons. They are both wearing something to cover their heads like one would do for a special occasion. I believe that with his raised hand he is making a promise to her. She doesn't look very happy or even serene. This reminds me very much of when having a child out of wedlock for a woman was severely frowned upon and was considered a scandal. Judging by how far along she is I would guess it is a last minute marriage before the child is born. Perhaps the gentleman offered to marry her to save her from any further scandal and then being cast aside by her family. She accepted his proposal, however, she does not look entirely thrilled. I will keep in mind that you mentioned that they didn't show much emotion in paintings then, but for me there are too many signs that this is a marriage to save the girl and her family from a scandal.


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