Indian Artwork
Warli Painting - Indian Artwork Warli's painting comes from India. It is a traditional folk-style painting in Maharashtra, located in the western peninsular region of India. The Warli people are among the largest tribes in India. Warlie painting dates back to the 10th century A.D. and is still practiced today. The painting depicts visual artwork from Mother Nature and the different elements of nature. Warli was originally painted on the walls of huts, passing on folktales, history, and legends of their indigenous tribe. Today, they are painted on cloth or canvas. They use rice paste, cow dung, soil, and leaves for natural color. Their painting consists of geometric shapes like circles, triangles, and squares. These shapes symbolize different elements of nature. Circles represent the sun or moon. Triangles represent the mountains and trees. Squares represent human invention. Warli Paintings Warli people Maharashtra, India. c.2022...